
Humility: How much does it feature in your leadership practice? If I was to ask you what you thought the key leadership strengths are for our current and post-pandemic world are, I don’t suppose humility would feature very highly. If I was to say that it was a key...

Daring to Dream Interview with Jessica Watson Thorp
I spent a lovely morning the other day at the studio of expat artist Jessica Watson Thorp as part of my ongoing series...

Are you sucking lemons or making lemonade?
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances” Victor...

Fight stress or lethargy with the Fab Four
Ever wanted a quick fix for life? Feeling stressed at work or during exams? Found yourself in a new town knowing...

Is your mind fixed or flexible?
I was listening to the radio the other day. There was a phone in discussion on whether talent or practice was most...