
I do not do New Year’s Resolutions.
It’s not because I am lazy, but as a Coaching Psychologist, I know that they are statistically likely to fail within a few weeks. Statistics on this vary from 8% success to around 50% success, however the data collection is varied in its accuracy and...

Improving wellbeing during Covid lockdown in Iceland
Today, I had the pleasure of attending the online conference on Public Health and Positive Psychology in times of...

Bringing Meaning into Life in Lockdown
Meaning is one of the five core parts of Martin Seligman’s PERMA model of wellbeing. However, finding meaning when you...

Looking after yourself in lockdown
Life before lockdown was actually alright, wasn’t it? We were coping at least. However when cracks start to show under...

An update from your coach
I have been asked recently whether I am still working, and the answer is a resounding “Yes!”. I have, however, been...