
Restorative nature
For me, being underwater is my happy place, the place where the cares of the world fall from my shoulders and instead I swim in awe of what the world can show me. Vying for second and third places are sitting on a beach, watching the waves or lying in a forest, listening to the […]

Redefining success – it’s the small things that matter
I remember reading once that those who successfully managed to lose unwanted weight shared certain traits, one of...
Does being kind increase happiness?
There is an old joke that money can’t make you happy, but it does let you be miserable in more comfort. But is...
Dare to fail – what is there to lose?
The other day, I sat watching a friend’s baby pull herself to her feet using the sofa as support. A moment of delight...

Coping with Change 2
A few years ago I used to enjoy watching a TV programme called ‘A Place in the Sun’, where would be expats sold up...